Nob Ogasawara, press materials
Content Description
A collection of press materials distributed by Japanese game companies, primarily from 1991–1998 but going as late as 2009. A majority of the collection is composed of film positives and slides containing game screenshots, logos, and artwork, as well as a collection of brochures, fliers, demo CDs. The materials cover a wide range of game developers, projects, and platforms, with a notable amount of material from Nintendo and Square. A large portion of this material seems to have come from trade show events, such as Tokyo Game Show and Nintendo Space World.
Acquisition Type
These materials were donated by Nob Ogasawara, who worked for GamePro and Electronic Gaming Monthly in the 1990s. Ogasawara left game journalism to work as a game translator in 1996, roughly matching the date range of the majority of this collection. The accession includes materials after this date, going as late as 2009, presumably because Ogasawara continued attending trade shows and press events.
Language of Description
Script of Description
Restrictions Apply
- Majority of material found within 1991–1998
- Square Co., Ltd (Contributor, Organization)
1 Boxes (reinforced box labeled "Nob Ogasawara")
Language of Materials
The original shoebox package from Nob Ogasawara contained: An envelope mostly containing press assets from the early 1990s; an envelope mostly containing press assets from the mid-to-late 1990s; an envelope labeled "Loose slides" filled with unidentified film slides; a plastic sleeve containing printouts of Square logos and screenshots circa 1994; a half-dozen demos CD in varied casing; and roughly twenty loose guidebooks, pamphlets, and fliers from Japanese trade events from the late 1990s onward.
- Nob Ogasawara (Donor, Person)
- Square Co., Ltd (Contributor, Organization)
- Nintendo Co. Ltd (Contributor, Organization)
- Capcom (Contributor, Organization)
- Konami Corporation (Contributor, Organization)
- Sega Corporation (Contributor, Organization)
- Game Arts (Contributor, Organization)
- Taito Corporation (Contributor, Organization)
- Data East (Contributor, Organization)
- SNK Corporation (Contributor, Organization)
- Imagineer Co., Ltd (Contributor, Organization)